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Friday, March 25, 2011

Tutorial: 4 Braids in 10 Minutes

Dear readers!

Sorry for my absence the last few days, but I'm coming down with something and haven't been feeling very well lately. I was almost finished with this tutorial, I only had to record the voice-over part and of course I lost my voice on the exact day I planned to do it. Luckily I have some good moments in between so I ran (well not literally) to my computer as soon as my voice came back a bit and recorded the voice-over parts. So here it is, my braiding tutorial. In this tutorial I'm showing you how to make 4 different braids: a simple English braid, an inverted (a.k.a. Dutch) braid, a twist and a herringbone (a.k.a. fishtail) braid. You can find the steps you need to follow to make these 4 braids, below the video.

Basic Braiding Instructions

Simple Braid
  1. Divide your hair into three somewhat even strands.
  2.  Now take a strand from the side, here I take the right strand.
  3. Then cross it OVER the middle strand, so that the right strand and the middle strand trade places.
  4. You don’t have to let the strand fall when you’re braiding, it’s just to make things more clear.
  5. Then take the LEFT strand and cross it over the middle strand.
  6. Right strand to the middle, left strand to the middle, right strand to the middle, left strand to the middle and so on.
  7.  So what you’re actually doing is alternately switching the side strands with the middle strand.
  8. Now I tie my elastic band around my hair, don’t do this to close to your ends because it can cause them to split.
Inverted braid
  1. Again you divide your hair into three strands.
  2. Take the right strand and instead of crossing it over the middle strand as I showed you with the    previous braid, you cross it UNDER the middle strand.
  3.  Now you do the same with the left strand, cross it under the middle strand.
  4.  Again right, left, right, left and so on.
  1. Divide your hair into 2 strands
  2. Twist both strands to the right
  3. Now cross the strands in the opposite direction, this is what will keep your braid into place. you’ve just twisted to the right so you’re gonna cross over to the left. So take the right strand and cross it over the left, and again, and again.
  4. You might want to twist the strands to the right again along the way, especially near the end of the braid.
 Herringbone braid
    1.  Divide your hair into 2 strands
    2.  Now take a bit of hair on the outside of the right strand and add it to the left strand.
    3. Now take a bit of hair on the outside of the left strand and add it to the right strand.
    4.  Again take a bit of hair on the outside of the right strand and add it to the left strand.
    5. Take a bit of hair on the outside of the left strand and add it to the right strand.
    6. Continue like this.

    I hope this was all clear and that you've been able to make yourself one of these braids. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask!

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